Information for suppliers, contractors and consultants giving guidance on university procedures to become one of our providers.
We enable buyers across Greenwich to purchase goods services and works for all three campuses (Greenwich, Medway and Avery Hill) to support teaching and learning of our students. Greenwich is committed to improving student outcomes, reducing carbon, embracing diversity, building resilience through a sustainable supply chain, and social value embedded through our contractual relationships.
Select one of the titles below to open information to assist you in expressing an interest in doing business with the University.
Our Buyer Profile.
Providing contact details and future, outlines of our Procurement Policy, information on purchase plans, current and past contracts in a freely accessible on partner websites. By posting and communicating this procurement information, suppliers and contractors are provided the opportunity to access Procurement Policy and Procedures, current and past contract awards and future tenders to be undertaken by Procurement & Business Services.
Purchase Plans
Information on forthcoming contracts will be advertised via the eSourcing system.
Our objectives.
Our Procurement Vision and Policy
Working collaboratively internally and externally to implement efficient and cost-effective practices that achieve Value for Money procurement based on Economic, Environmental and Social criteria in support of the University’s Strategic Objectives.
Our Strategic Objectives
The Strategic Procurement Objectives for the University' are:
- Raise the level of appropriate procurement knowledge, skills and expertise and make them accessible to all staff involved in the supply chain and students where appropriate.
- High priority to supporting research and enterprise activities through targeted procurement action.
- Embed the University's Corporate Social Responsibilities at all stages of the Procurement process and encourage the engagement and long term commitment of senior management, Requisitioners, user representatives, Governors and suppliers to a collaborative procurement culture.
- Train and develop staff engaged in the Procurement process to enhance service quality outcomes.
- Procurement Arrangements and Practices to reflect the internationalisation of the University.
- Train and develop students in Procurement to enhance their employability.
- Procurement Practice to reflect and embed University Values.
Equalities and small, medium sized enterprises (SMEs).
We aim to be an equal opportunity buyer, and to support local and small medium enterprises (SME). Suppliers qualify as micro, small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) if they fulfil the criteria laid down in the recommendation which are summarised in the table below. In addition to the staff headcount ceiling, an enterprise qualifies as an SME if it meets either the turnover ceiling or the balance sheet ceiling, but not necessarily both.
Enterprise category | Headcount | Turnover | (or) Balance sheet total |
Large organisation | 250+ employees | € 50 million + | € 43 million + |
Medium-sized | < 250 | < € 50 million | < € 43 million |
Small | < 50 | < € 10 million | < € 10 million |
Micro | < 10 | < € 2 million | < € 2 million |
Sustainability matters.
Greenwich’s Zeroby30 programme aims to achieve Net Zero Carbon by 2030 and reduce the impact on our planet's resources, and of course we can not do this without your help.
How Does Sustainable Procurement Affect You?
Suppliers and contractors should be committed to support our Sustainability Policies, which affect you in numerous ways. Key implications include:
- demand for sustainable supplies and services;
- importance of environmental management systems;
- whole life costing.
Sustainable supplies and services
The University of Greenwich, fellow HEIs and the wider public sector all have environmental policies and targets. Procurement plays a big part within this and as a result, organisations increasingly require more sustainable supplies and services.
At Greenwich, we embed the 'Government Buying Standards' into our specifications. The Standards developed by Defra while mandatory for central Government bodies are considered best practice for the wider public sector too. Covering a large range of supplies including electronics, IT and building and construction materials. By supplying products that meet these standards, businesses will place themselves in a good position to continue supplying the public sector.
Other specifications to be aware of include:
Environmental management
Environmental Management Systems (EMS) allow businesses to measure improve and environmental impacts. At Greenwich, we ask suppliers to provide us with information about any EMS they have as this confirms that they are committed to sustainability improvement.
The two most common environmental management system certification programmes are:
SMEs: If you work for a small or medium sized business (SME), support is available from Global Action Plan, a climate change charity helping companies and individuals to make environmental and financial savings. This support can assist smaller businesses in measuring their environmental impact and identify areas for cost savings. Reductions are also available on their EMS training.
Greenwich works hard to maintain and improve our sustainability goals which can be found on our sustainability team.
Whole life costing
Taking into consideration of the full cost of supplies, services and works to an organisation over a lifetime, which includes acquisition, energy and disposal costs. It is therefore important for businesses to be supplying energy efficient, sustainable options.
The life cycle impacts of supplies extend far beyond just their cost to the university. However, The university's purchasing power has an effect not just on the product use stage, but also throughout the entirety of the product life cycle. On key commodity groups, we will be working with suppliers and contractors to encourage lower life cycle impacts. Environmental management systems and supply chain management are important here.
Sustainable Policy
Sustainable procurement is a process whereby organisations meet their needs for goods, services, works and utilities in a way that achieves value for money on a whole life basis in terms of generating benefits not only to the organisation but also to society and the economy, whilst minimising damage to the environment
Greenwich's policies and strategies highlight our commitment to inform, encourage all interested stakeholders including staff, students, suppliers to be committed and responsible for ensuring a successful shift to improve a more sustainable procurement.
Any questions or comments regarding sustainable procurement please contact us.
Resources and Links
- Sustainable Procurement Taskforce Procuring the Future
- WRAP (Waste & Resources Action Programme)
Freedom of Information Act, statement for tenderers.
The attention of Tenderer's is drawn to the following statement on the University's obligation regarding disclosure of information under the provisions of the Freedom of Information Act 2000.
- The University undertakes to use its best endeavours to hold confidential any information provided by Tenderer's in response to an Invitation to Tender, subject to the University's obligations under law regarding disclosure.
- The Freedom of Information Act 2000 applied to the University and all its wholly owned subsidiary companies from 1st January 2005. From that date any individual can request access to any records held, subject to the various exemptions provisions in the Act.
- Tenderer's who wish that any of the information supplied in the Tender should not be disclosed, should, when providing the information, identify if any of the information supplied in response to an Invitation to Tender is confidential or commercially sensitive and should not be disclosed in response to a request for information under the aforementioned Act. The tenderer should state why they consider the information to be confidential or commercially sensitive. The onus is on the Tenderer to identify sensitive areas to the University in the tender submission.
- Please note that the University is not under any obligation to refuse to release any information that is marked confidential, and it is up to the University to judge whether exemptions apply and whether information should be released. Please also note that in the event that no information is identified as confidential or commercially sensitive, then it is likely to be released in response to a request under the Act. It will be the policy of the University to consult with relevant parties prior to making a decision under the Act, where possible. The University will in all instances be bound by the findings of the Information Commissioner with regard to any requests under the Act.
Faculties, Directorates and Institutes invite suppliers and contractors to submit quotations for expenditures below the competitive tendering threshold of £75,000 (inc. VAT).
This enhances efficiency in transacting business between the university and suppliers, as well as provide information on the requirements profiles across the University for Procurement planning purposes.
Tendering procedure.
The University's Procurement rules and procedures are based on probity, accountability, efficiency, and value for money. Our financial thresholds reflect these.
For expenditure under £75,000 (inc. VAT), competitive quotations are sought by authorised staff in Faculties, Institutes, and Directorates in consultation with Procurement & Business Services where applicable.
For expenditures exceeding £75,000 (inc. VAT) abiding by public contract regulations competitive tenders are sought by Procurement & Business Services. Where the Financial Thresholds are likely to be reached suppliers must meet the specific selection criteria for inclusion of a Select List of Tenderers.
The tendering procedure involves the provision of documents for completion by suppliers, which usually include the following sections:
- Pre-Qualification
- Form of Tender
- Conditions of Contract and Special Conditions
- Requirements Specification
- Preambles
- Schedules/Bills of Quantities
Tenders are to be submitted via the University's electronic tendering system for opening, analysis, and evaluation by a Tender Evaluation Panel comprising of the clients/users, and a representative of Procurement & Business Services. All tenderers are informed of the result of the tender process based on good practice and compliance with University Financial Regulations, Procurement Procedures, and statutory provisions.
On acceptance of a tender by the University, a Purchase Order will be issued via our eProcurement system, and performance monitored jointly by the lead client and Procurement & Business Services.
Suppliers' Obligations
Suppliers registered on Partner eSourcing systems are responsible for keeping their details current and correct.
Accredited and Framework Suppliers
Supporting Documents
The process will then be as follows:-
- Supplier Details requested for prequalification of tendering are as follows where applicable: -
- Financial (Audited Accounts/Credit Check)
- Insurances (Public/Employers/Professional Indemnity/Products etc.)
- Policies (Health & Safety/Equal Opportunities/Environmental/Quality)
- References (Client contact information)
- Accreditation's applicable to your business.
- You will be informed of outcomes whether successful or a unsuccessful, and a contract/agreement will be issued for agreement.
Policies, permits and contractor documents.
Suppliers who are awarded contracts and those working on university premises must adhere to the university policies some of which you are to be made aware of are below:
- Guidance - appointment and control of contractors.
- Anti-Bribery Policy
- Equality and Diversity Policy Statement,
- Fire Policy & Procedures.
- Public Interest (Whistleblowing)
- General Data Processing Regulations Policy (Agreement).
- Modern Slavery Statement.
- Insurance at the University.
- Safeguarding Policy.
- Contractor H&S Questionnaire.
- Contractors Working on University Premises.
- Sign up to - Safety, Health and Environmental Requirements for Contractors.
- Permit to Work Checklist.
- CDM Guidance.
Express an Interest.
The University of Greenwich seeks to ensure that it procurement activity supports its values and provides the best value to our students. Our strategy has a number of pillars and one of these is collaboration. To support this ambition we use a number collaborative and framework agreement arrangements. Examples of these arrangement include but are not limited to:
- Crown Commercial Services
- NHS SBS Health Framework Agreements | NHS SBS
- Eastern Shires Purchasing Organisation Framework Solutions | Public Sector | ESPO
- NHS Supply Chain NHS Supply Chain
- London University Purchasing Consortium
- Southern Universities Purchasing Consortium
To view a list of our current tenders you can visit:-
- Delta eSourcing,
- The Central Digital Platform Find a Tender.
Until 2029 we have two Dynamic Purchasing Systems, one for Minor Works and the other for Consultancy, which were advertised in Find a Tender, that you can join at anytime provided that you meet the Criteria. To find out more details please register on Delta eSourcing.