Freedom of Information Act, statement for tenderers.

The attention of Tenderer's is drawn to the following statement on the University's obligation regarding disclosure of information under the provisions of the Freedom of Information Act 2000.

  1. The University undertakes to use its best endeavours to hold confidential any information provided by Tenderer's in response to an Invitation to Tender, subject to the University's obligations under law regarding disclosure.
  2. The Freedom of Information Act 2000 applied to the University and all its wholly owned subsidiary companies from 1st January 2005. From that date any individual can request access to any records held, subject to the various exemptions provisions in the Act.
  3. Tenderer's who wish that any of the information supplied in the Tender should not be disclosed, should, when providing the information, identify if any of the information supplied in response to an Invitation to Tender is confidential or commercially sensitive and should not be disclosed in response to a request for information under the aforementioned Act. The tenderer should state why they consider the information to be confidential or commercially sensitive. The onus is on the Tenderer to identify sensitive areas to the University in the tender submission.
  4. Please note that the University is not under any obligation to refuse to release any information that is marked confidential, and it is up to the University to judge whether exemptions apply and whether information should be released. Please also note that in the event that no information is identified as confidential or commercially sensitive, then it is likely to be released in response to a request under the Act. It will be the policy of the University to consult with relevant parties prior to making a decision under the Act, where possible. The University will in all instances be bound by the findings of the Information Commissioner with regard to any requests under the Act.


Faculties, Directorates and Institutes invite suppliers and contractors to submit quotations for expenditures below the competitive tendering threshold of £75,000 (inc. VAT).

This enhances efficiency in transacting business between the university and suppliers, as well as provide information on the requirements profiles across the University for Procurement planning purposes.

Tendering procedure.

The University's Procurement rules and procedures are based on probity, accountability,  efficiency, and value for money.  Our financial thresholds reflect these.

For expenditure under £75,000 (inc. VAT), competitive quotations are sought by authorised staff in Faculties, Institutes, and Directorates in consultation with Procurement & Business Services where applicable.

For expenditures exceeding £75,000 (inc. VAT) abiding by public contract regulations competitive tenders are sought by Procurement & Business Services.  Where the Financial Thresholds are likely to be reached suppliers must meet the specific selection criteria for inclusion of a Select List of Tenderers.

The tendering procedure involves the provision of documents for completion by suppliers, which usually include the following sections:

  • Pre-Qualification
  • Form of Tender
  • Conditions of Contract and Special Conditions
  • Requirements Specification
  • Preambles
  • Schedules/Bills of Quantities

Tenders are to be submitted via the University's electronic tendering system for opening, analysis, and evaluation by a Tender Evaluation Panel comprising of the clients/users, and a representative of Procurement & Business Services. All tenderers are informed of the result of the tender process based on good practice and compliance with University Financial Regulations, Procurement Procedures, and statutory provisions.

On acceptance of a tender by the University, a Purchase Order will be issued via our eProcurement system, and performance monitored jointly by the lead client and Procurement & Business Services.


Suppliers' Obligations

Suppliers registered on Partner eSourcing systems are responsible for keeping their details current and correct.

Accredited and Framework Suppliers

Suppliers awarded a contract from a consortia body (LUPC, SUPC, NWUPC, CCS, etc.) are exempt from providing supporting documents for the categories which they have been assessed.

Supporting Documents

The University's Due Diligence process requires that supporting documents are provided during prequalification as a supplier.

The process will then be as follows:-

  1. Supplier Details requested for prequalification of tendering are as follows where applicable: -
    • Financial (Audited Accounts/Credit Check)
    • Insurances (Public/Employers/Professional Indemnity/Products etc.)
    • Policies (Health & Safety/Equal Opportunities/Environmental/Quality)
    • References (Client contact information)
    • Accreditation's applicable to your business.
  2. You will be informed of outcomes whether successful or a unsuccessful, and a contract/agreement will be issued for agreement.

Policies, permits and contractor documents.

Suppliers who are awarded contracts and those working on university premises must adhere to the university policies some of which you are to be made aware of are below:

Express an Interest.

The University of Greenwich seeks to ensure that it procurement activity supports its values and provides the best value to our students. Our strategy has a number of pillars and one of these is collaboration. To support this ambition we use a number collaborative and framework agreement arrangements. Examples  of these arrangement include but are not limited to:

To view a list of our current tenders you can visit:-

Until 2029 we have two Dynamic Purchasing Systems, one for Minor Works and the other for Consultancy, which were advertised in Find a Tender, that you can join at anytime provided that you meet the Criteria. To find out more details please register on Delta eSourcing.